Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I am Draggin’ Ass

This is what I do every day: alarm goes off at 4:30. I go into my office, down a 5-Hour Energy Drink, then go to the UniQlock website, and turn the screen off. In the dark, I sit and relax, focusing on good posture. When I’m ready, I plank for 60 seconds (the soothing UniQlock music plays at precisely 60 beats per minute, so it’s easy to keep time). Then I do a few more yoga-type poses (I don’t know what they’re called, but in one of them I breath as I bend over until I can put my palms on the floor without bending my knees).

Then I either get dressed and go for a run, or on non-run days, I do some light housework. After my wife gets up and showers, I shower, get dressed, get my things ready for the day, and eat breakfast while I read the paper.

But lately, I don’t know what’s going on. The 4:30 ritual still happens. But running has become a chore, as often as not I end up going back to bed (despite 7 hours of sleep) and during the day I cannot stay awake to save my life. I mean, I am assuming if I was being attacked by marauder with machetes I would have sufficient adrenaline to run away screaming. But if they attacked with fluffy pillows, I don’t know if I’d have the gumption.

Do I gots SAADs? I hope not. I don’t even believe in it! Maybe I got some narcolepsy-inducing carbs from the Costco salmon and mac-n-cheese we had for dinner this weekend. We usually don’t eat like that. Not that we eat in any kind of pristine manner, but still.

The upshot is that it has been SO hard to blog lately. I’m barely getting in the Zombie and Brain blog updates. And the writing/research is not of the best quality. And there was no “…Other” blog yesterday. Just too tired. Not to mention NaNoWriMo. I am behind. 1667 words is a lot to face when you’re rather put your face in one of those marauder's fluffy pillows.

And caffeine is out of the question because I just read about a study that showed how “morning people” will get crappy sleep if they have caffeine too late in the day. Like, later than noon. Damn it.

Ah well. I’ll post this, and go home for the day, and maybe one of those marauders will be on the bus. Finger’s crossed.