Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I Promise to Write More. (That's Not a Threat!)

Since I started The Great Brain Robbery (topics in brain research, a testing platform for my new job) and Zombies for Life (a blog to promote my short story collection, available for your Kindle from Amazon, buy it today) people have been also coming across THIS "blog." I started it years ago and never did anything with it because mostly I was writing for Bukkhead.com

Bukkhead lately has just been book reviews (also posted on Goodreads) and the occasional short story. And then there was Wiffli, a blog I started as an "e-Zine" and a companion to a real paper zine that only saw one issue.

In other words, I'm all over the damn map.

But I do like to write. Well, sort of. I mean of course I do. But those of you who write a lot know what I mean when I say: usually, writing just happens.

Not all the time, of course. Not when you want it to. Not the way you want it to. At best, you sit down with a desire to write something and then you write it. At most, you stop doing something else for a while so you can stab fingers at a keyboard in a wild fury.

Blogging, for me, for now, could be a catch-all. I could start a dozen blogs. One for book reviews, one for short stories, one for each published book, one for what its like to blog all the #$%^& time.

I probably shouldn't, though. Like I said, I'm all over the map, and that includes my brain. I got on the bus this morning and was going to read, but first I did a "brain dump" of things to do, using Google Keep. Took up the whole 30-minute bus ride. Was still dumping when I got to Starbucks for some morning sunshine.

It's tough to stay organized. I think I'll use this blog, "...Other," to just do more brain dumping until I get some of my act together. But I WILL be updating The Great Brain Robbery and Zombies for Life at least daily until I read on some blog somewhere that daily is bad.

(I was doing twice-daily until I reads that twice-daily is bad. It was a relief and a curse. I left me time for more blogging!)
